Shikoku Island is not only well known for its natural beauty but also is surrounded by 88 historical temples. Today, we will visit Honrakuji Temple located nearby Yoshino River in Mima, Tokushima.

วัด ฮนราคุจิ

We can take a train or drive. There are 4 parking lots provided in front of the temple. The small 4 seated car is recommended due to the narrowness of the road.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Honrakuji Temple was built in 828 C.E. (Heian Period, Emperor Nimmyo) by the priest Eun.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The admission fee is 300 yen. You can put it in a box by yourself.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

A short introduction, history, and landscape are explained in the leaflet which is written in both Japanese and English.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The temple is so peaceful. In addition, there is a room for Japanese tea ceremony and the scrupture calligraphy activity.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

A sink to wash hand and mouth is available.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The pathway to the main pavilion is filled with the many shapes of rock and stone.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Recorded in Awa Historical book that this temple was set as a center to gather nearby 13 small temples in Sadamitsu, Ichiu, and Iyayama area. This temple is located on Takamaru mountain – 740.9 meters height above sea level, and nearby the Yoshino river.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

This is the Traditional Japanese dry landscape garden. The left hand side rock is a turtle. The middle is a stork bird. Next stone is a boat. These can be implied as wealth and long live.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Enjoy the beautiful scenery.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The unique fine art is the way they sweep the gravel.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

This temple has been awarded as a beautiful and peaceful temple since Emperor Meji. It is a must visit place recommended in Awa city tourist handbook.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Hachisuka, a powerful feudal lord governing Tokushima, nominated this temple to keep his family’s relics.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

You will see the spectacular sweeping pattern of the gravel from the main hall. The building on the right is the Reception Hall.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

A stunning pine tree is decorated in the Reception Hall.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The hall way is clean and big. There are many functional rooms divided inside. The vegetarian menus for lunchoen are available. The reservation must be made in advance and the minimum is 5 guests per booking.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

You will enjoy seeing the classical old day paintings on the slided doors. Both set lunch menus (6,00 yen) and Bento (4,00 yen) per person are available. The reservation must be made at least 1 week prior to the visit.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The external glass door made the room brighter. In additional, the internal mulberry paper doors are not only soften the shade of light but also resist the coldness.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

An irori is a traditional Japanese sunken hearth. Used for heating the home and for cooking food, it is essentially a square, stone-lined pit in the floor, equipped with an adjustable pothook – called a jizaikagi  and generally consisting of an iron rod within a bamboo tube – used for raising or lowering a suspended pot or kettle by means of an attached lever which is often decoratively designed in the shape of a fish.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The building for Japanese tea ceremony is behind the main building. It costs 300 yen to enjoy the tasty green tea.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Inside the Japanese tea ceremony room.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The Japanese sandals “Zori” are provided for those who want to enjoy the beauty of the garden.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The scenery from the top of the Japanese tea ceremony room.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The best time for photo shooting is from noon to the evening because you will not have to worry about the shadow in any shot.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Saito Tadakazu who was born in 1939 at Fukushima designed and decorated this beautiful garden behind the temple.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The garden is also connected to the entrance of the Japanese tea ceremony building.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Saito Tadakazu was designed several famous gardens, for example, Kanyoji Temple Garden, Shunan City, Yamaguchi and Shojuin Temple Garden, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The water fall and the runnel, together with many shape of stones and rocks are decorated in the garden.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

The Buddhist stone sculptures are decorated along the walk way.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

It is a circuit style garden with a cliff behind the temple.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

อAmitabha Hall was built by priest Eun who was born in 798 C.E.,Heian Period. The building is for praying.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Kake Zukuri is a unique technic of Japanese architectural style to tie the wooden pillars horizontally without any metallic nail used. The pillars are assembled with no gap. The most stunning temple in using this technic is Kiyomizudera Temple in Toyko.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip


Credit:Chill Chill Trip

Take off at Oshima Station, then you can walk to the temple. The Suica card is not allowed to use. You must by the ticket or use JR Pass.


Credit:Chill Chill Trip


Address123 Aza Oshima, Mishima, Anabuki Cho, Mima city, Tokushima
Entrance feeค่าเข้า คนละ 300 เยน
พิธีชงชา 300 เยน (เสริม)
เขียนคัมภีร์ 400 เยน (เสริม)
Opening house 9.00-17.00 เดือนพฤษภาคม ถึง กันยายน
9.00-16.30 เดือนตุลาคม ถึง เมษายน
How to get thereสถานี JR Abanuki นั่งแท็กซี่ต่อ 10 นาที
สถานี JR Oshima เดินต่อ 15 นาที (สถานีนี้ไม่มีแท็กซี่)
ทางด่วน Tokushima Expressway ลงที่ Wakimachi interchange ขับต่ออีก 20 นาที
  1. 1 ประวัติภาพบุคคลสำคัญบนแบงค์ 1000 เยน 5000 เยน และ10000เยน ของญี่ปุ่น
  2. 2 คลองหลวงคาเฟ่ ปทุมธานี ความสุขเล็กๆ กับอาหารรสดี นั่งทานข้าวในซุ้มไม้ไผ่ พร้อมชมเหล่าปลาคาร์ปว่ายน้ำไปมา
  3. 3 Hoshino Resorts Bandaisan Onsen Hotel – สกีสุดมันส์ วิวอลังการ ออนเซ็นสบาย ที่ฟุกุชิมะ เดินทางง่าย บริการครบครันตลอดปี
  4. 4 ศาลเจ้าเสียนหลอไต้เทียนกง บางปู กราบสักการะเทพเจ้าทั้ง 5 พร้อมแก้ปีชง เดินทางสะดวก ใกล้กรุงเทพ
  5. 5 กระรอกบิน ชูก้า ไกลเดอร์ (Sugar glider) มารู้จักนิสัย ราคา การเลี้ยงดู อาหาร ตากลมแบ๊วแสนน่ารักแต่นิยมการผาดโผน